Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Battle For The Tower of Babel

 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel

—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

On September 11th 2001, our language and our thoughts were scattered. Many people walked away quietly, stunned beyond words. Confused by design. 9-11 as it became known, has become a bit of a mockery in closed circles. Most people don't hold to the official story.
Then came the following years of warfare. Battlegrounds without meaning or purpose. No true patriotism served, an unrelenting cavalcade of wars that made no sense. The  battle for the Tower of Babel.
But beyond the warfare conducted by corporations, a strange anomaly occurred. A series of tragic mass murders, the like of which were never witnesses in American history. The most notorious of which is the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  In addition to Sandy Hook mass shootings have taken place in Colorado and most recently in Santa Barbara California.

Ironically, there is a common thread that runs through all of the recent mass shootings, in that the murderers, the shooters or whatever you want to call them, come from the upper class of American society. I refuse to use the names of theses wealthy killers here because I refuse to give them any more notoriety than they have already been given. I will also not mention the names of their parents here because I am sure that the parents involved would be quick to file suit for defamation of character. But as a writer / journalist, I will say this. If one were to conduct some simple research on the backgrounds of these families, they would be shocked to find out that at least two of the shooters families had dealing within the financial industry and one of the shooters fathers was deeply involved in the financial scandals that broke out in 2008. In the most recent shooting, the parent of the shooter was a well known Hollywood insider. Coincidence? Perhaps...

In the 1990's  another journalist by the name of Terry Maury wrote a book called "The Ultimate Evil". Maury fearlessly took on the investigation of the Son of Sam killings, which was a series of murders that took place in New York during the 70's. These killings became known as the .44 killings. Because a .44 caliber handgun had been used to commit the murders. But as Maury began to follow the evidence, he was shocked to find out that the accused Son of Sam killer (David Berkowitz) had probably not acted alone. And that he was in fact, by his own admission a member of a  network of Satanists that stretched across the United States. The trail that Maury followed, lead him all the way to Hollywood. More coincidence.. ? Probably not, as Maury is a journalist and he used facts and evidence to establish the connections that were made in this case. In the 1990's Police agencies throughout the U.S. began to have deep concerns about ritualistic crimes that were being uncovered throughout the country. Many cases were dismissed as folly or the satanic dabbling of teenagers. But the truth is that Satan is alive and well on the planet Earth. In an ironic twist, reporters who had attempted to speak to some of the local residents of small Connecticut town where the Sandy Hook massacre took place, found only fear, apprehension and claims that a Satanic cult had roots within the community. Coincidence...? Perhaps. But at least one independent investigator has raised questions about the validity of the Sandy Hook story and he has been both threatened and rebuffed by local authorities. This is a very strange reaction coming from the professionals who are now the caretakers of a closed criminal case.  Then in the most recent case of the Santa Barbara California shootings, the same type of theme emerged . a theme of gas lighting and  redirected blame. Though this shooter left behind a detailed manifesto in which he revealed a deep and troubled narcissistic personality. When I read his facebook page and reviewed the available information about his manifesto, the words "Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law" rang in my ears. These were the words of the famed occultist Aleister Crowely. I also reflected upon the unsolved murder of a young child who's parents were also members of upper class society ... a victim who was frequently painted like a doll and paraded around like a trophy... a lamb.

What is also perplexing about these cases, is the fact that a piece of the puzzle always seems to be  missing or people are intentionally kept quiet. And that the blame is continuously laid at the feet of someone other than the perpetrator of the crime. This gas lighting  (an attempt to reverse the narrative or make those not responsible, feel responsible) is a common theme. It was used in 9-11 to justify the attack on Iraq and it was used to Sandy Hook to ignite  anti-constitutional rhetoric.

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Now is The Winter of our Discontent"

Memorial Day 2014

With a deep sigh, I lamented, "Have we had enough yet?" At what crossroads do we leave the set path and take our own? These thoughts came to me as I followed the latest Veteran Administration (VA) scandal  For those of us who served in the military and/or had our own Fathers (or other relatives serve), we have been acutely aware of the reputation of the VA for many many years.The VA has long been known by Veterans as a sort of meat grinder, a place to go to die. Just another battlefield. That was bad enough Then over the last few days a huge scandal broke into the news concerning the VA. 

It seems that the VA has placed Veterans on a sort waiting list. A waiting list that no one gets called from.. This waiting list seems to have been a political animal. A political animal that would result in the death of several Veterans as they awaited medical treatment from the VA.. To add insult to injury, an internet based news story reported that a whistle blower from the VA had stated that a Supervisor from the VA had said  (paraphrasing) That older Vets should be taken out and shot in the head. 

Considering the current political climate, I don't find this statement surprising or shocking at all. And for someone reading this article  you might wonder "why I might think this?" The answer is quite simple. The demographics of American Military Veterans in the United States is predominantly male. According to VA projections the number of living veterans by 2040, will be 11,906,60 male veterans, compared to 2,556,166 female veterans. 

So whats the difference you ask? A veteran is a veteran right? Well ....... not so fast. In the U.S. the difference in the minds of our government, corporations and the mainstream media is deep and profound. Special interest groups, including the democratic party, feminist groups affiliated with the left and labor unions have advanced the political ideology of female gender (feminism). And they have joined forces with other left leaning organizations and politicians to fund and support programs which help to foster ideas and pass laws that disenfranchise male citizens.

Gender Bias, military duty and selective Service;

The reality in war is that men carry the weight of the battle. The numbers and statistics (see above link) quoted by the Veterans Administration cannot and does not lie. The numbers can't ... they just can't.
The numbers speak for themselves.

It is also a foregone conclusion, that by law, that women are not required to register for selective service. Their military service has always been classified as a "choice". The United States government has implemented the draft on several occasions including the Civil War, WWI, WWII and Viet Nam. At no time in U.S. History was any female expected to serve against her will. However,  in the last few months, Hillary Clinton (former First Lady, Secretary of State and possible Presidential Candidate) stated that "women bare the brunt of war" NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Men carrier the burden of war. And they have carried this burden for thousands of years. Additionally, one of the main reason they went to war was to protect "Home" and country. In other words ... to protect women and children.. lets be truthful here.

PTSD, Divorce and Suicide;

While the current administration and the U.S. Military have become extreme advocates for gay rights, anti-sexual assault and anti-sexual harassment. The suicide rates among male military personnel has soared to unacceptable numbers. Former and current military members have also found themselves being victimized by the greed of family courts and corrupt lawyers. All while losing their rights to participate in their lives of their own children. It is estimated that suicides rates for veterans will not decrease for many years to come and hundreds of Vets will kill themselves every year. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has become an ongoing headline in many news stories. The reasons for this are very apparent. Soldiers were used as hardware and not recognized for what they are... HUMAN. The tempo of deployments after 9-11 were extremely high and military personnel were forced to participate in multiple deployments while under the tactics of extreme threat and duress. These tactics were not only used on active duty (regular) military personnel but on reserve and state level guard units as well.

 "Now is the winter of our discontent". 
( Shakespeare; King Richard III Act I, Scene I).