Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Writing is on the wall; Written in Blood and Dissappointment, By G.C. Stevens/ September 15th 2024

This Editorial is an open letter to members of government, who or whatever you are, and to the American people.

I graduated from the Chicago Police Academy, Metro (Suburban Class) in 1988. I was former military, so having to be away from home, family, and missing holidays, birthdays and other special occasions wasn't a new experience for me. Nor was being in total danger. I generally ended up working most every Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July and my birthday. One of the worst things a cop has to do is to go to domestic disturbances. To me, they were the about the worst thing that I had to "personally" deal with in my career.  

On one Thanksgiving back in the 1990s, I was working the street, when I got a call.... Yes, a domestic call. There it was Thanksgiving, one of my most favorite time of the year, Turkey, Mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing and green bean casserole occupied my mind. I love green bean casserole. As I arrived at the call, I realized that I knew this particular house... And the combative couple who resided therein. They were two real winners, he was an unfortunate alcoholic, a blue collar union guy, not bashing union guys, its just a simple observation, and he had a bad attitude, and she was total psycho, and she generally hated the cops. Their overall dislike of law and order was well known, and they were obvious democrats. The town was nearly an equal split of democrats and republicans, and the town was even one time labeled as secessionist because if it's political demographic. it was located on the far southeast end of McHenry County Illinois, which was very republican.

As I walked into the house and scanned the room, I saw total carnage. The table where the Turkey, dressing, and other fixings were supposed to be displayed, appeared in disheveled shades of spilled gravy, bread rolls thrown about the room, The beautifully browned turkey, stuffed with dressing, a wonderful specimen of a Thanksgiving turkey, lay upon the floor in the middle of family combat zone. As I looked across, I saw this oozing grayish green substance dripping down the wall. As I looked at it closer, and I then realized that if was my favorite dish... The green bean casserole. It had obviously been thrown across the room and crashed into the wall on the opposite side of the room.  This chaotic scene was a text book nightmare from hell. But this chaotic scene on this particular evening isn't the only example of holiday destruction wrought by liberal zombies walking the earth and devouring and trampling anything decent in their path. 

I lived for a short time in Hoffman Estates Illinois. While I was living there. We were (white) privileged to have to new TV communications system called "Cable TV." This new technology was kind of awesome. But all awesome things in the world come at a price. But I have to believe that we as humans are frequently shown things for a reason. On the weekends, our cable company carried a TV program produced by the American Atheist's. For those of you who don't know anything about the American Atheist's. The organization was founded by the notorious Madalyn O'Hair, and one of her cohorts was and another militant atheist by the name of Rob Sherman, who was in my opinion, an angry and small minded man, who simply wanted power over something. I often wondered how and why I got introduced two these two monsters, but I think there's a good reason for everything. I began to understand Rob Sherman more clearly when I was sitting at home one day and turned on my cable TV and started to cruise the channels, when I suddenly saw Rob Sherman on TV, with a young child in his lap and having a conversation. The conversation went like this;

Rob Sherman; "Do we believe in God?"

Child; "No we don' believe in God"

Rob Sherman; "Does mommy believe in God?"

Child; "Yea... Mommy believes in God"

Rob Sherman; "What is Mommy"

Child; "Sheee's STUPID"

The child was obviously Rob Shermans own male child.

Not long after seeing this nasty little case of child exploitation, and narcissistic manipulation. There I was working another holiday. It was Christmas eve, I can't remember the exact year, it was probably in 1988 or 89. I was sitting in my squad car off of route 14 in northern Illinois right next to the Chicago and Northwestern railway station in Fox River Grove Illinois, when I observed a tall male walking towards me. As he got closer, I noticed that he was wearing a baseball cap with the word "ATHEIST" Printed on it. I then realized that this guy was non-other than Rob Sherman Himself. Rob was angry and pointed to a nativity scene which was located on railroad property about fifty yards to the south of our location. He demanded to know if the despicable nativity scene was on city property. I ensured Rob that it was not on public property and referred him the railroad for further information, Sherman attempted to continue the argument with me, but I declined to engage him.  And I'm glad that I did. because as time went on, it became known that Rob Sherman was associated some very bad people in his association with Madalyn O'Hair and the "American Atheists".

Rob Sherman

Rob Sherman - Wikipedia

Mandalyn O'Hair, the founder of American Atheist's was not only an avowed hardcore communist. She is in fact, directly responsible for everything that the citizens of the United States and their families are suffering through today. It was Madalyn who laid the corrupt foundation on which radical democrats and liberals base their modern philosophy. 

The following information was located online;

"According to her son William, a Baptist minister, Madalyn was a communist who unabashedly supported the Soviet Union. William claimed that when he was still a child, Madalyn began hosting Socialist Labor Party meetings and asked him to attend so he could, as quoted from Madalyn, "learn the 'truth' about capitalism." William also claimed that Madalyn, who denied being a communist, actually held secret meetings in their basement with her Communist Party comrades. She twice sought to defect to the Soviet Union, applying first in 1959 through the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., and again at the Soviet Embassy in Paris, travelling there for the express purpose in 1960; on both occasions, the Soviets denied her entry. On their return from Paris, Murray and sons went to live with her mother, father, and brother, Irv, at their house in the Loch Raven, Baltimore neighborhood. Soon after, Madalyn accompanied William to their neighborhood school, Woodbourne Junior High School, to re-enroll William for freshman classes. Madalyn was unhappy to see students, after the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, engaging in prayer. She instructed William to keep a log of all religious exercises and references to religion for the next two weeks, saying, "Well, if they'll keep us from going to Russia where there is some freedom, we'll just have to change America." After the two weeks, and after her request that William be allowed to leave class during prayer times was denied by school authorities, she pulled him out of school and proceeded to file a lawsuit against the Baltimore Public School System, naming William as plaintiff. She said that its practices of mandatory prayer and required reading of the Bible were unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court upheld her position by a ruling in 1963. Because of hostility in Baltimore against her family related to this case, Murray left Maryland with her sons in 1963 and moved to Honolulu, Hawaii. She had allegedly assaulted five Baltimore City Police Department officers who tried to retrieve her son William's girlfriend Susan from her house; she was a minor and had run away from home. Susan gave birth to William's daughter, whom she named Robin. Murray later adopted Robin. In 1965, Murray married U.S. Marine Richard O'Hair, and changed her surname. He had belonged to a Communist group in Detroit during the 1940s. During investigations of the 1950s, he gave more than 100 names of other members to the FBI. Later, he was investigated for falsely claiming to be an FBI agent.  Their relationship has been described as "textbook codependents". Although the couple separated, they were legally married until his death in 1978. In 1980, she publicly rejected her estranged son William when he announced that he had converted to Christianity. He later became a Baptist minister. In 1960, Murray filed a lawsuit against the Baltimore City Public School System (Murray v. Curlett), naming her son William as plaintiff. She challenged the city school system's practice of requiring students to participate in Bible readings at the city's public schools. She said her son's refusal to participate had resulted in bullying by classmates and that administrators condoned this behavior. After consolidation with Abington School District v. Schempp, the lawsuit was heard by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1963. The Court voted 8–1 in Schempp's favor, saying that mandatory public Bible readings by students were unconstitutional. Prayer in schools other than Bible-readings had been ruled as unconstitutional the year before by the Court in Engel v. Vitale (1962).O'Hair filed a number of other lawsuits: one was against the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) because of the Apollo 8 Genesis reading. The case was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court for lack of jurisdiction.  The challenge had limited effect. O'Hair endorsed Jimmy Carter in the 1976 presidential election because of Carter's opposition to mandatory school prayer, his support for sex education in public schools, and his stance on ecological matters. In a 1989 interview, O'Hair said "I told my kids I just want three words on my tombstone, if I have one. I'll probably be cremated. One is "woman." I'm very comfortable in that role. I've loved being a woman, I've loved being a mother, I've loved being a grandmother. I want three words: Woman, Atheist, Anarchist. That's me. During an interview with Playboy in 1965, O'Hair described herself as a "militant feminist" and expressed her dissatisfaction with women's inequality in America."

But this is just the tip of the iceberg for people like Rob Sherman and Madylyn O'Hair. It eventually became known that the O'Hair was extremely corrupt, and her organization was under investigation for financial crimes, and in a very strange twist (Though not by modern standards) O'Hair and other members of her family were kidnapped, murdered, and according to news sources, she and the other members of her family had their bodies dismembered by her assailants and disposed of. By 21st century standards, where we wake up to massive bloodshed, attempted assassinations and a spiritually corrupt society, the murder of Madalyn O'Hair is child's play.  The Murder of Madalyn Murray O'Hair: America's Most Hated Woman Crime Magazine.

 I'm adding links for the reader to explore, this story isn't really about Sherman or O'Hair, its about the crimes committed these type people, these sociopaths and psychopaths. Though, that subject would fill volumes. My intent here is to shine a light in the dark corner of these communists, socialist, satanists, democrats and criminals, who have gained control of academia, government and the media. As I write this editorial, Americans are currently on the edge of a very serious political situation. 

On a personal note, democrats, and liberals destroy everything they touch. Everything they touch screams, bleeds and dies. They are a bummer of epic proportions, Its time to take our country back. By the way.. Rob Sherman died in plane crash. There is karma. 

Madalyn O'Hair

Madalyn Murray O'Hair - Wikipedia

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