Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Why We Need Trump Now By Gene Stevens

There was a time in both historic reality, and artistic fantasy, when people reached a point in their lives when they felt a great struggle of spirit that inspired them reach for something higher than themselves. This spiritual crossroads could take the seeker in a number of directions. Some moved towards an intellectual pursuit of enlightenment through literature, poetry and music. While others challenged themselves physically in sports and others sought out the advice of family elders, consulted with personal Sages or came to God, repented, and prepared themselves for spiritual battle.  And these are all great things and fueled great actions by American visionaries. 
However, today we have find ourselves trapped in a time of an out of focus and rough shod scattered field of intent, information, disinformation and misguided ideas. Ideas that come at us at such fast rate, that we barely have time to grieve the last thousand people that died in a suspicious and unresolved ways. 

Be kind to people, everyone is going through a battle that no one but them knows about.

Adding to our issues, are other problems caused mainly by government involvement at many levels. And these problems included inflation and government overreach. None of this new at all. But what is new is the fact that inflation is at a point and place, that I've never seen before. There is absolutely no denying that everything has skyrocketed in price. Gas, Food, clothing, medicine, childcare, other products... Literally everything has gone up in price. Its undeniable, and unlike anything ever seen in the past. And Americans are suffering under the financial fallout of a failed ideas of a poorly lead regime.

Then, Americans wake up everyday to a deluge of information that is intentionally mixed with lies, truth and gaslighting. This sounds like the language of demons. 
Its no wonder that the suicide rate has climbed exponentially. And statistics reflected that the suicide rate was dominated by males. The rate of death is essentially the same as knocking out a whole battalion of able-bodied soldiers... Year after year, after year. One can only contemplate what the real plan is for our country. Especially when those in charge enable suicide by the destruction of self-esteem. This is a powerful weapon indeed. Add to this, a government who ran young families out of their jobs, and socially labeled people terrorists because of an overzealous response to apparently manufactured release of biological agent. And covid was the only disease that I've ever seen that was both called into existence by political decree and ended by political decree.

I could site many different historic aspects of what occurred in this country for the last three years, but it goes back much further that the 2020 election or the so-called insurrection on January 06th 2021. In my opinion it goes back to the American Civil war, but the most recent program-based changes to the United States started in Dealy Plaza in 1963, when JFK was assassinated. It was during the years following JFKs assassination that a rock-solid foundation was laid for a thing now known as the deep state. The deep state system flourished after the Kennedy assassination. It fueled the Viet Nam war and the many subsequent conflicts since the fall of Saigon. And this new system essentially, and quietly took control of the United States. They formulated policy and kept us in a state of warfare since Saigon fell to the communists. But the deeper truth is that this system or apparatus was at war with itself and conducted its own secret wars around the world. The American people always had some basic knowledge of these activities, and citizens of the United States generally consented to such activities, as those political and military operations were directed outward towards our perceived enemies. Then, something really unexpected happened in 2016. And that was when Donald Trump ran for POTUS and was elected to POTUS..

One of the things that Donald Trump stated over and over again during his campaign, was that he knew what was really going on, and that he was standing between the American people and a secret agenda that was grinding away throughout the world. I don't think anyone fully comprehended what any of this really meant. But as time progressed, and Donald Trump became the subject of an irrational threat fantasy that was being played out in media and social media. And as every week flew by since the fall of 2016, it became more and more apparent that the secretive apparatus had a real face and a real agenda which was no longer turned against a perceived enemy of the United States, but instead was in fact turned inward on the American people.  And the faces, of those people and their agenda were known and understood by Donald Trump long before Trump decided to run for President. He had lived, worked and played alongside of the main players for many years. And he knew that the American people had a lot to be afraid of. And that the American people had no concept of what was moving against them. We did not know it then, but we know it now.  And it was Trump who forced those players into the light so we would realize what we are dealing with. On some days the lack of justice is extremely frustrating. But in the absence of justice, we still have some opportunity to know and to understand what's happening. And it was Trumps tenacity that forced their hand. This is giving credit where credit is due. I am unsure of what our chances and probabilities of survival of the country are at this point in time, though I do know that Turmp delayed the ultimate end game plan for humanity by winning the 2016 election. He delayed not only during his Presidential term, but he continued to be a leader of a movement that gave people personal courage to stand up in their own communities. Theses grassroots warriors essentially became surrogates for Trump after Trump was run out of office and they maintained the program of delay to slow the internal forces that have been assailing the United States full force since 9-11.  We are now entering the fall of 2023. It is very apparent that Donald Trump is going to try to gain the Presidential nomination for 2024. Even though he is currently under indictment under several levels of law in various states and the federal level. An action which is unprecedented in all of American history. He is still the favored candidate by voters.
 And that's easy to understand considering the fact that the system is punishing us the Voters the same way that runaway slaves were punished who escaped the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in the southern states. And people can see that not only with their eyes, but with their hearts and feelings. Many Americans and their families have suffered under persecution, and we can recognize what it is. In an interview just today with Tucker Carlson, Trump reminded us, reiterated his experiences during his administration and warned us about the total corruption that has seized control of our country and wellbeing. Its time to take serious stock in our country and to choose leadership that believes in our history and our freedom.
We need Trump now.

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