Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Why We Need Trump Now By Gene Stevens

There was a time in both historic reality, and artistic fantasy, when people reached a point in their lives when they felt a great struggle of spirit that inspired them reach for something higher than themselves. This spiritual crossroads could take the seeker in a number of directions. Some moved towards an intellectual pursuit of enlightenment through literature, poetry and music. While others challenged themselves physically in sports and others sought out the advice of family elders, consulted with personal Sages or came to God, repented, and prepared themselves for spiritual battle.  And these are all great things and fueled great actions by American visionaries. 
However, today we have find ourselves trapped in a time of an out of focus and rough shod scattered field of intent, information, disinformation and misguided ideas. Ideas that come at us at such fast rate, that we barely have time to grieve the last thousand people that died in a suspicious and unresolved ways. 

Be kind to people, everyone is going through a battle that no one but them knows about.

Adding to our issues, are other problems caused mainly by government involvement at many levels. And these problems included inflation and government overreach. None of this new at all. But what is new is the fact that inflation is at a point and place, that I've never seen before. There is absolutely no denying that everything has skyrocketed in price. Gas, Food, clothing, medicine, childcare, other products... Literally everything has gone up in price. Its undeniable, and unlike anything ever seen in the past. And Americans are suffering under the financial fallout of a failed ideas of a poorly lead regime.

Then, Americans wake up everyday to a deluge of information that is intentionally mixed with lies, truth and gaslighting. This sounds like the language of demons. 
Its no wonder that the suicide rate has climbed exponentially. And statistics reflected that the suicide rate was dominated by males. The rate of death is essentially the same as knocking out a whole battalion of able-bodied soldiers... Year after year, after year. One can only contemplate what the real plan is for our country. Especially when those in charge enable suicide by the destruction of self-esteem. This is a powerful weapon indeed. Add to this, a government who ran young families out of their jobs, and socially labeled people terrorists because of an overzealous response to apparently manufactured release of biological agent. And covid was the only disease that I've ever seen that was both called into existence by political decree and ended by political decree.

I could site many different historic aspects of what occurred in this country for the last three years, but it goes back much further that the 2020 election or the so-called insurrection on January 06th 2021. In my opinion it goes back to the American Civil war, but the most recent program-based changes to the United States started in Dealy Plaza in 1963, when JFK was assassinated. It was during the years following JFKs assassination that a rock-solid foundation was laid for a thing now known as the deep state. The deep state system flourished after the Kennedy assassination. It fueled the Viet Nam war and the many subsequent conflicts since the fall of Saigon. And this new system essentially, and quietly took control of the United States. They formulated policy and kept us in a state of warfare since Saigon fell to the communists. But the deeper truth is that this system or apparatus was at war with itself and conducted its own secret wars around the world. The American people always had some basic knowledge of these activities, and citizens of the United States generally consented to such activities, as those political and military operations were directed outward towards our perceived enemies. Then, something really unexpected happened in 2016. And that was when Donald Trump ran for POTUS and was elected to POTUS..

One of the things that Donald Trump stated over and over again during his campaign, was that he knew what was really going on, and that he was standing between the American people and a secret agenda that was grinding away throughout the world. I don't think anyone fully comprehended what any of this really meant. But as time progressed, and Donald Trump became the subject of an irrational threat fantasy that was being played out in media and social media. And as every week flew by since the fall of 2016, it became more and more apparent that the secretive apparatus had a real face and a real agenda which was no longer turned against a perceived enemy of the United States, but instead was in fact turned inward on the American people.  And the faces, of those people and their agenda were known and understood by Donald Trump long before Trump decided to run for President. He had lived, worked and played alongside of the main players for many years. And he knew that the American people had a lot to be afraid of. And that the American people had no concept of what was moving against them. We did not know it then, but we know it now.  And it was Trump who forced those players into the light so we would realize what we are dealing with. On some days the lack of justice is extremely frustrating. But in the absence of justice, we still have some opportunity to know and to understand what's happening. And it was Trumps tenacity that forced their hand. This is giving credit where credit is due. I am unsure of what our chances and probabilities of survival of the country are at this point in time, though I do know that Turmp delayed the ultimate end game plan for humanity by winning the 2016 election. He delayed not only during his Presidential term, but he continued to be a leader of a movement that gave people personal courage to stand up in their own communities. Theses grassroots warriors essentially became surrogates for Trump after Trump was run out of office and they maintained the program of delay to slow the internal forces that have been assailing the United States full force since 9-11.  We are now entering the fall of 2023. It is very apparent that Donald Trump is going to try to gain the Presidential nomination for 2024. Even though he is currently under indictment under several levels of law in various states and the federal level. An action which is unprecedented in all of American history. He is still the favored candidate by voters.
 And that's easy to understand considering the fact that the system is punishing us the Voters the same way that runaway slaves were punished who escaped the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in the southern states. And people can see that not only with their eyes, but with their hearts and feelings. Many Americans and their families have suffered under persecution, and we can recognize what it is. In an interview just today with Tucker Carlson, Trump reminded us, reiterated his experiences during his administration and warned us about the total corruption that has seized control of our country and wellbeing. Its time to take serious stock in our country and to choose leadership that believes in our history and our freedom.
We need Trump now.

Monday, March 6, 2023

DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A fireside spiritual perspective.


By Gene Stevens;

For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
-Matthew 15:19

DEI, (CRT) Where did this all come from?

Its been a pretty cold, wet and miserable winter in Iowa. Not to mention that the United States in general has not been the most hospitable place to live in during the last three years. The dark days of winter and the dark days of our country encourages me to seek out both the comfort of God and the warm of home and hearth.

I feel the need to let the holy spirit speak through me today because, First of all, I'm in my early sixties, I've lived in and visited a good portion of the nation and the world, I served in the military for eighteen years and I served within government as a professional in the legal field for over thirty years. I've had an exciting life. But all pride aside. I'm an imperfect person and a follower of Jesus.

Many of my contemporaries greatest fears when we were younger had nothing to do with their gender issues, getting gender reassignment, or equity, just because someone suggested to them that they might be in the wrong body. Our greatest fear was to be drafted into military service and being deployed to Vietnam. I didn't fear military service, because at the time I was very pro-military and was chomping at the bit to get into the service. And as soon as I turned eighteen, I raised my right hand, gave my oath to up-hold the constitution and swore to protect my nation. After that day I spent the rest of my life working in very altruistic jobs.
Then around 2014 certain social circumstance started to change my mind. That was six years after Barrack Obama was elected to office. That's when I began to see a tide turning, and things started to get pretty weird.

PhotoThe days of rage Chicago in the 1960's
I'm no stranger to cultural revolutions and martial law. I was raised in Chicago during the 60's and 70's during the Vietnam war, the days of rage of the Chicago democratic convention, the assassination of Martin Luther King and riots, riots and more riots. Not to mention the Chicago seven trials that followed the days of rage in which seven co-conspirators were charged and tried in a very public show trial for crimes that took place in Chicago during that time. But nothing new was happening here, because Chicago had been targeted by anarchists going back to the late 1800's. And the socialist / liberal movements were alive and well there.. And apparently Satan was too.
I wont pretend to have a college degree in history, I did however stand as an eye witness to many events that shaped our nation and lead us to where we are today. And, in my opinion, there are three major historic events that put us on the current road to perdition. The first event was the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 which changed the path of European history. It was a conflict which set the stage for other subsequent (and future) communist revolutions.
The second historical event, of which I was a direct and active participant, is connected to the first, and that was the long and protracted cold war. An active conflict in which the united states and other like minded nations fought back against the soviet union and communist Chinese forces, that occupied the dark space behind what Winston Churchill referred to as the “iron curtain”. That term coined by Churchill would stick to the world view narrative for the duration of this conflict.
The the third event was, and would continue to be, an event which I believe is completely misunderstood by the American people. And that would be the sudden dismantling of the former soviet union and the symbolic destruction of the Berlin wall.
It was this particular event that would lead the world to believe that the cold war had finally come to an end. Many of us, including myself were fooled, and we assumed that we were entering a new and brighter age. This unfortunately could not be further from the truth, Because initially it looked like the world was more open for freedom of movement, freedom of expression and freedom of trade.
This seemed to be true until March of 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea. I myself watched a Russian troops simply walked into Crimea and occupied the region. But this was not the army of the former Soviet union, because I had faced them in the past in various military operations, and was trained to identify their material of war. I knew their uniforms, equipment and weapons. But the new Russian army showed up in new uniforms, wearing new helmets, driving new vehicles and carrying updated weaponry.

It was in the moment that I knew that the west had indeed turned out the lights and gone to sleep. The Berlin wall had most definitely come down, but the end result was that the new Russian Army and communist ideology now had no boundaries.
But 2014 wasn't the beginning, it was in fact the middle of the new phase, at least for the rest of the world. The American phase started in 2008, when Barrack Obama was elected. And he was from the most socialist aligned city in the nation, Chicago Illinois. It was in 2008, when our national identity began to slip away. And race and gender had nothing to do with it... But ideology did. Communist doctrine was (and is) the cargo, while the new race and gender cultural war is the vehicle that would deliver the ideology to its desired destination. And that destination is the hearts and minds of Americans, especially young Americans.
As Obama had declared in a speech in Missouri in 2008 in which he states;
We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

It was young Americans who became the target audience of a hijacked education system. All level schools from Kindergarten through masters degree programs had been infiltrated by liberal socialists. The indoctrination eventually evolved into CRT (Critical Race Theory), a program which systematically sought to dismantle the melting pot fabric of our Republic, an attempted to erroneously seperate Americans along the lines of race, gender and social class. An obvious attempt to repackage communist ideology to make it more sellable to younger Americans.

But the idea of CRT came under attack many by concerned parents who flocked to school board meetings to contest the mounting damage being done to not only school curriculum, but tearing at the very fabric of families throughout the country. When it became obvious, school districts and school boards all over the U.S. realized that CRT had drawn too much attention, liberal acdemics did what they do best... They moved the goal posts and changed the language. CRT then became DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).
The DEI program moved onward and direct employees were hired at schools as DEI or Inclusion Officers. A title reminiscent of the Soviet political Commissar, or the Officers who would regulate political thought and political language.
But now, DEI is in the bright light and in the sights of Iowa state Legislators, and they are seeking to use their judicial power to stem the tide of this toxic doctrine. A bill currently in the pipeline is
HSB 218. A bill which seeks to regulate and to defund efforts to promote divisive programs in Iowa schools.
Sec.2.NEWSECTION.261J.2 Restrictions on use of moneys. A public institution of higher education shall not expend any moneys appropriated by the general assembly or any other moneys derived from bequests, charges, deposits, donations, endowments, fees, grants, gifts, income, receipts ,tuition,or any other source to establish, sustain, support,or staff a diversity, equity, and inclusion office, or to contract, employ,engage,or hire an individual to serve as a diversity,equity,and inclusion officer.
Its time for our legislators to move on HSB 218. Its time to stop the madness.

"Sean Stevens of Heterodox Academy and Professor Mitchell Langbert of Brooklyn College have a new article published by the National Association of Scholars. They examined professors' self-identified political views, party affiliation, voter registrations, and FEC (Federal Election Commission) records of political donations. Their research appears to confirm that college professors in fact skew overwhelmingly left-wing in their political views, even more than many of us thought. If they are even mostly correct, the (left) liberal professor stereotype is absolutely grounded in reality rather than caricature."

American school campuses are the proclaimed battleground of the left.

Transformation; Is it DEI (formally referred to as CRT) or socialism?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a conceptual framework that claims to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, especially in the workplace, including populations who have historically been under-represented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc
A theory or system (conceptual framework) of social organization that advocates the ownership (people) and control of the means of production and distribution, capital, (workplace) land, etc.. by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government. (Facilitator).

Continue to follow this blog as we take a deeper dive into DEI