Saturday, December 15, 2018
Important Developments ; Three Important stories for 2018 BY Gene Stevens
December 2018; The last few weeks of news have proven to be the among the most important news days for common people. Surely there would be many main stream and/or more self-important journalists who would pick other stories to hold up as the biggest stories of the year. However the media (particularly the left occupied mainstream media) have become seriously "Trumpocentric" in their approach to all current events. And nearly every day our phones, tablets and computers blow up with anti-Trump hate speech and politically correct hatred of common American traditions.
This Christmas has been no exception. Liberals spent the last few weeks spewing hate against important political icons such as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the song Baby Its Cold Outside and Charlies Browns Thanksgiving Special. Liberals must use up a lot of their employers hours raging on about such things. One would think that employers and Co-workers would have enough guts to stand up to such idiocy when they see friends thinking such things. Especially when they are forced to carry the extra work load for those co-workers who are busy being triggered by Twitter. But extreme intolerance by liberals in the workplace, in schools and in the mainstream media are not just common place now, but standard operating procedure. Which brings us to the first and most important story of 2018.
On December 14th, Breitbart News Alext Marlow interviewed a young African American male by the name Paris Dennard. who was apparently a Conservative contributor to CNN. Surely an act bravery like a soldier walking behind enemy lines in a very very politically hostile environment. An environment in which sectarian violence is being practiced by cultural Marxists and condoned by the mass anti-Trump media outlets.
Dennard proved to be a patient, well spoken and articulate individual during an on screen interview run on CNN, Dennard faced off with a former CIA/FBI employee Phil Mudd. Shockingly Mr. Mudds facial expressions and and subsequent verbal attack against Dennard were something that no self respecting law enforcement professional should do in the public eye. Mudd had become enraged because Dennard had identified that there were individuals in Washington DC , who because of their illicit behavior (In Dennards opinion) should have their security clearances revoked. Dennard also related that persons who posses security clearances have a financial advantage in the job market. And Dennard said that former government employees sometimes act as consultants to private industry. This statement was simply TRUE. And anyone who is former military or government could testify to that as fact.
Mudd's emotional explosion against Dennard is another hit against the validity and professionalism of the FBI. If this type of behavior would have occurred in the process of being interviewed a conservative news outlet there would have been a fire storm of outrage.
But rather than outrage, a series of personal attacks were mounted against Dennard, including the leaking of documents of a personal nature including accusations of sexual misconduct from an unknown faceless accuser The story of Dennard and Mudd is the most important story of the year because it demonstrates the tactics that left have adopted in their fight.
Dennard's story tells just how far the left will go to destroy any individual who thinks differently than they do. It's more important because the mainstream media uses the race against opponents on a regular basis, but in the case of Dennard, they couldn't give a damn about the color of his skin, They simply sought to destroy him. And the lefts use of sexual misconduct from faceless, nameless accusers is an obvious mark of the beast. A beast that has sold their souls to darkness.
Breitbart article full context
The next story was reported within the last three days. It is a foregone conclusion that intolerance breeds intolerance. And just like the yellow vested revolutionaries and their ancestors who served with distinction in the French Resistance forces who fought against the national socialists during World war two, who are now disrupting the left in France. The Conservative movement has also become a proud resistance unto themselves and they have many more followers than the minority leftists care to admit.
One of the greatest allies of the cultural marxist's is the social media platform twitter. Twitter users lean strongly to the liberal side and the platform has made a personal mission to run conservatives into the ground by personal attacks and then eventually ban them from the platform. An act which is by this Writers opinion is a crime.
The question then comes down to, what happens people are bullied? They do one of two things. They either walk away or they fight back. In the case of the new Conservative resistance movement is that they did both. The great thing about the internet is that there is more than enough room, and new rooms can be created by intelligent people when people are banned from that room. New Internets and intranets will grow as time goes on. And secret rooms can be created when resources become outlawed by totalitarians. Following that idea, a new platform was been created. Its called Parler News the word "parler or parle' means to talk.
Parler News story
It is a tragedy and totally un-American in every sense to stifle free speech. No matter what the content of that speech is. As a general rule, I generally do not post here in the first person. But in this case I must speak out. I condemn twitter and any media outlet that suppresses free speech or uses threats and intimidation to scare people into silence.
The final part of this piece outlines another battle in the obamacare saga. Another case of government intervention into the lives of people, a place where the government did not need to go.
On December 14th a federal Judge stood by the law and declared the affordable care act unconstitutional . We could debate the merits of decent healthcare for people. And it is certainly ethical to provide Americans with affordable healthcare. This is a forgone conclusion. However, the fact remains that healthcare is not an enumerated right under the constitution. It was up to government to help to facilitate and support healthcare, but it was never the job of the government to use the Internal Revenue Service to mandate and enforce healthcare. Surely there will be an appeal to the legal decision as cultural marxists triple down on their tactics of threats, misuse of the justice system and political propaganda.
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