Saturday, December 15, 2018

Important Developments ; Three Important stories for 2018 BY Gene Stevens

December 2018; The last few weeks of news have proven to be the among the most important  news days for common people. Surely there would be many main stream and/or more self-important journalists who would pick other stories to hold up as the biggest stories of the year. However the media (particularly the left occupied mainstream media) have become seriously "Trumpocentric" in their approach to all current events. And nearly every day our phones, tablets and computers blow up with anti-Trump hate speech and politically correct hatred of common American traditions.

This Christmas has been no exception. Liberals spent the last few weeks spewing hate against important political icons such as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the song Baby Its Cold Outside and Charlies Browns Thanksgiving Special. Liberals must use up a lot of their employers hours raging on about such things. One would think that employers and Co-workers would have enough guts to stand up to such idiocy when they see friends thinking such things. Especially when they are forced to carry the extra work load for those co-workers who are busy being triggered by Twitter. But extreme intolerance by liberals in the workplace, in schools and in the mainstream media are not just common place now, but standard operating procedure. Which brings us to the first and most important story of 2018.

On December 14th, Breitbart News Alext Marlow interviewed a young African American male by the name Paris Dennard. who was apparently a Conservative contributor to CNN. Surely an act bravery like a soldier walking behind enemy lines in a very very politically hostile environment. An environment in which sectarian violence is being practiced by cultural Marxists and condoned by the mass anti-Trump media outlets.

 Dennard proved to be a patient, well spoken and articulate individual during an on screen interview run on CNN, Dennard faced off with a former CIA/FBI employee Phil Mudd. Shockingly Mr. Mudds facial expressions and and subsequent verbal attack against Dennard were something that no self respecting law enforcement professional should do in the public eye. Mudd had become enraged because Dennard had identified that there were individuals in Washington DC , who because of their illicit behavior (In Dennards opinion) should have their security clearances revoked. Dennard also related that persons who posses security clearances have a financial advantage in the job market. And Dennard said that former government employees sometimes act as consultants to private industry. This statement was simply TRUE. And anyone who is former military or government could testify to that as fact.
Mudd's emotional explosion against Dennard is another hit against the validity and professionalism of the FBI. If this type of behavior would have occurred in the process of being interviewed a conservative news outlet there would have been a fire storm of outrage.

But rather than outrage, a series of personal attacks were mounted against Dennard, including the leaking of documents of a personal nature including accusations of sexual misconduct from an unknown faceless accuser The story of Dennard and Mudd is the most important story of the year because it demonstrates the tactics that left have adopted in their fight.

Dennard's story tells just how far the left will go to destroy any individual who thinks differently than they do. It's more important because the mainstream media uses the race against opponents on a regular basis, but in the case of Dennard, they couldn't give a damn about the color of his skin, They simply sought to destroy him. And the lefts use of sexual misconduct from faceless, nameless  accusers is an obvious mark of the beast. A beast that has sold their souls to darkness.

Breitbart article full context


The next story was reported within the last three days.  It is a foregone conclusion that intolerance breeds intolerance. And just like the yellow vested revolutionaries and their ancestors who served with distinction in the French Resistance forces who fought against the national socialists during World war two, who are now disrupting the left in France. The Conservative movement has also become a proud resistance unto themselves and they have many more followers than the minority leftists care to admit.

One of the greatest allies of the cultural marxist's is the social media platform twitter. Twitter users lean strongly to the liberal side and the platform has made a personal mission to run conservatives into the ground by personal attacks and then eventually ban them from the platform. An act which is by this Writers opinion is a crime.

The question then comes down to, what happens people are bullied? They do one of two things. They either walk away or they fight back. In the case of the new Conservative resistance movement is that they did both. The great thing about the internet is that there is more than enough room, and new rooms can be created by intelligent people when people are banned from that room. New Internets and intranets will grow as time goes on. And secret rooms can be created when resources become outlawed by totalitarians. Following that idea, a new platform was been created. Its called Parler News the word "parler or parle' means to talk.

Parler News story

It is a tragedy and totally un-American in every sense to stifle free speech. No matter what the content of that speech is.  As a general rule, I generally do not post here in the first person. But in this case I must speak out. I condemn twitter and any media outlet that suppresses free speech or uses threats and intimidation to scare people into silence.


The final part of this piece outlines another battle in the obamacare saga. Another case of government intervention into the lives of people, a place where the government did not need to go.
On December 14th a federal Judge stood by the law and declared the affordable care act unconstitutional . We could debate the merits of decent healthcare for people. And it is certainly ethical to provide Americans with affordable healthcare. This is a forgone conclusion. However, the fact remains that healthcare is not an enumerated right under the constitution. It was up to government to help to facilitate and support healthcare, but it was never the job of the government  to use the Internal Revenue Service to mandate and enforce healthcare. Surely there will be an appeal to the legal decision as cultural marxists triple down on their tactics of threats, misuse of the justice system and political propaganda.

Full Story

Monday, November 26, 2018

Karl Marx on Freedom, and the rise of American Communists

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. Born in Trier to a middle-class family, Marx studied law and Hegelian philosophy. Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile in London, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, and the three-volume Das Kapital. His political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history and his name has been used as an adjective, a noun and a school of social theory.

One of the pillars of modern socialism has been the prolific and hard handed approach to the censorship of the press. Endless news stories, including film clips, photos and articles told the sad tale of of Socialists regimes, burning books, censoring the press, oppressing freedom of thought and speech, murdering and jailing dissidents, ( and restricting an interfering with the movement of its citizens inside and outside of the borders of communist states. Communism spread throughout the world in Asia, Russia and throughout Europe during the 20th century. The United States and it's allies fought directly against and conducted multiple proxy wars against communist military actions and insurgencies in many countries, including Viet Nam, Korea, Cambodia, Laos and the U.S. has stood up for the political sovereignty of Taiwan. The U.S. also engaged in a long term cold war with the former Russian Soviet Union (USSR). During the cold war millions of people were killed throughout the world because of societal genocide conducted in the USSR, China, Cambodia and several African nations. The U.S. Government and its allies fought diligently to stem the tide of communism in the world.

-Sergeant Shakes-spear

Defender of press freedom???
Marx's defence of press freedom against censorship ranks among the most powerful ever expressed. Censorship, railed Marx, "exercises tutelage over the highest interest of the citizens, their minds... You marvel at the delightful diversity, the inexhaustible riches of nature. You do not ask the rose to smell like a violet; but the richest of all, the mind, is supposed to exist in only a single manner?"                                                                                                                                Communist Fidel Castro held an iron grip on 

                                                                         Cuba for three generations and helped to 
                                                                         Spread communism to the Caribbean basin.


An antifa group in Los Angeles celebrated May Day by holding a small march, hanging a Trump effigy, and advocating for "revolutionary violence" against the "capitalist state" in order to "create real political power."
"We must carry out military actions against the enemies of the people!” a member of the L.A. cell of the Red Guards said in a speech published
The activities of the "so-called Anti-Fascists" has continued in earnest since the 2016 election. Starting with the Ferguson Missouri riots, which in reality was a militant action funded by suspicious sources, filtered through such organizations as " Crowds on Demand".
Antifa has established itself as the military wing of the democratic party. 
Social media sources have provided a means communications between parents around the nation. The stories being spread social media are frightening indicator that social justice (communism cloaked in allegory) is being taught in schools at all levels now. The truth is that the United States and our republic has been co-opted in the educational system by communist ideology. The truth is that the Berlin wall was a festering scab, and when it fell communism infected the whole world. We are now suffering from the effects of that infection.





Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Nancy Pelosi; AKA Mumbles.. Vows to take over the world via congress.


In Tuesday's interview, Pelosi made the case for her leadership, arguing that Democrats need her at the table leading Congress and interacting with the White House.
"It's important that it not be five white guys at the table, no offense," Pelosi said. "I have no intention of walking away from that table."
- CNN News Story
In a shocking revelation, The distinguished  very senior 78 year old Nancy (Mumbles) Pelosi vowed to take over the world by regaining her lost magical democrat super powers. Pelosi who is well known for her spell binding verbal incantations and strange and uncontrolled facial expressions while speaking to the press, swore to retake the gavel of Speaker of the House and eventually move to the position of elite female world leader of the DNC New World Order, following in the foot steps of some of her personal hero's, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

The CNN story stated "We will win," the California Democrat said in an interview with The Boston Globe on the 2018 elections. "I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too."

The democratic party old guard (No pun intended) has been gasping the last breath of power sine the election of 2016, when it lost site of the fact that there were millions of people who live in the country besides themselves who may think differently than they do. Despite Madam Pelosi's intentions to regain power, there are millions of people with different intentions who may or may not vote for the old ways. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WMDs, Spray Paint and Foul Mouthed Women


Over the last week, the disorganized militia of the social justice movement, red factions, anarchists and foul mouthed female propagandists posing as comedians, mounted a full frontal assault on the people of the United States. The attack however faltered as the red factions attempted to place their feet upon the beaches of American common sense and freedom of speech.

The initial attack began at the first point of embarkation at the annual White House correspondents dinner, as an unknown female communist operative and propagandist, attempted to destroy the reputation of an American Patriot. The patriot was a front line soldier assigned to communications duty at the White House under the current President. The attack was repulsed when the disorganized red factions failed to properly assess their enemies strength, thus handing the victory over to the patriot organization(s) who are so well entrenched, that only minimal resistance was needed to stop the attack. However an assessment of the red factions damage, indicated substantial losses, many dead left on the battlefield and tarnished reputations to last a life time.

May first marked the beginning of the red factions traditional "May Day" terroristic celebrations. Activities such as smashing windows of local businesses owned by small business owners, burning trash cans, destroying public property and attacking defenseless small animals, women and children are a regular annual occurrence all over the world on this speeee-shallllll day. However, in the United States, the emasculated males and their over zealous female fellow feminist cadre who occupy the ranks of the red factions, do not seem to have enough intestinal fortitude for attacking living things or smashing the windows out of their Mom's favorite donut shop. So now they have taken to the destruction of inanimate objects, (with their weapon of choice... Spray paint), such as old statutes of dead soldiers, pictures of American Patriots, cartoon characters and anything they might be slightly offended by. The red factions militaristic temper tantrums have been on the rise in the U.S as the bad winter weather patterns have persisted, and temperature numbers on the North American Continent were somewhere around the same as the IQs of the members of the red factions, surely a cause of the much feared climate change monster, (No longer referred to as global warming, because that theory faltered after Al Gore was divorced by his ex-wife Tipper Gore, thus ending Mr. Gore's cash flow) which has struck terror deep in the hearts of the red faction who find fear and loathing in just about everything they come in contact with.

To add insult to injury, the red faction has now set it sights on the Cartoon Character "Apu" who is a long time and very beloved character from the Simpsons TV series. Apu's character represents everything that is American. And I'm sure that even if any members of the red factions, anarchists, maoists or marxist - leninists  patronized the fictional characters 7-11 store, he would surely sell them all the booze,  cigarettes, rolling papers, pizza and chips that they could handle. So once again the red factions have bitten the hand that feeds them.

-Sergeant Shakes- Speare

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Not to be Disturbed by United States Authority or Anyone Else for that Matter; The Sin's of Our Fathers.



From U.S. Grant To R.E. Lee
Appomattox Court-House, Virginia April 9, 1865.
General: In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th instant, I propose to receive the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate, one copy to be given to an officer to be designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the government of the United States until properly exchanged; and each company or regimental commander to sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery, and public property to be parked and stacked, and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside.
U.S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. General R. E. Lee.
On April 09th, 1865, the hostilities of the war between the states had been terminated. The over-all Commanders of the standing armies of the Confederacy and the United States had formally agreed in writing to terminate the war, and the south had agreed to surrender all arms and to cease all military activities. The agreement was officially ratified by all those involved, up to and including the sitting President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. 
Lincoln celebrated the surrender ... And even asked the band to play Dixie out of respect. 
The war between the states was fought and prosecuted by two standing, officially sanctioned armies. Employed, payed for, and equipped by each sides own respective governments, and authorized by proper governmental authority to enter into the field to conduct military operations. The south began by acting in defense of their territory. Up until July of 1863 when Lee's Army of Northern Virginia mounted a major offensive campaign when they entered Pennsylvania and engaged northern forces at the town of Gettysburg PA. 

It was at The Battle of Gettysburg, the high water mark of civil war history, that the Army of Northern Virginia began to falter, and would eventually be decimated by the Union army. Confederate forces, would in the end have no choice but to capitulate. 

The southern part of the country would be brutally forced back into the union. The reconstruction period of the civil war was anything but "constructive" as the union army and the U.S. Government would abandon the south and leave the people their on their own without financial support. The financial well being of the south would be shattered and would not begin to recover fully until after world war two. The federal treasury had been broken by Lincoln's administration, who wasted vast amounts of money bowing to special interests while executing the civil war. 
The country would in spirit, remain two separate countries as the former General of the entire union army, Ulysses S Grant would take over as President of the United States. It was under his administration that the  country would be launched in a deep financial depression,  a period from which the last phase of the indian wars would arise, resulting in the brutal forced removal of indians from their ancestral lands, all  while a faltering U.S. government sought gold in the Black Hills and all the west. For the next one hundred twenty years, the country would remain steadfastly two separate ideologies up to the civil rights period of the 1960's.

Enter the 21st Century; The Attack on U.S. Institutions

The 2016 Presidential election became the most divisive election in all of U.S. history since Lincoln's took the white house prior to the outbreak of the civil war. However, the late 20th and early 21st century ushered in drastically different political ideas, including the insurgence of socialism and leftist politics into American politics. 

The aftermath of the 2016 election was a bloody affair. In what appears to a planned and asymmetrical response to the loss of the election. Riots, protests and individual acts of violence erupted across the country. Police officers were killed in ambushes throughout the country, school walk outs were staged, the #metoo movement was created (a method to attack individuals who occupied powerful political and business decisions), And the forced and illegal removal of symbols of U.S. history and the republic itself was begun.


Additionally, the conflagration would move to the innocuous and non-threatening. Leftists would target many symbols of American history. Monuments which represented figures and events of U.S. History would be vandalized by hostile people, removed by left leaning city governments and smeared by mainstream media. No monument or grave marker has been safe since the election of 2016. Monuments representing Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington,  General Joseph Hooker and many Confederate monuments had been damaged, destroyed or removed.

On the south side of Chicago Illinois sits Oakwoods Cemetery. The grave yard contains a large grave marker that sits above a mass burial mound containing the remains of approximately five thousand dead soldiers, who perished at Camp Douglas in Chicago which was not far from this location. Military personnel who served with a sanctioned and legal government entity called the Confederate States of America (CSA) are interred here. 

The CSA had legally and constitutionally broke ties with the United States Government over political, legal and ideological differences. Many citizens of the newly formed CSA had proudly enlisted for military service at the beginning of the war. However the CSA later passed the conscription act and implemented a forced draft, in which many other were pressed into service under threat of punishment.  The union army also drafted soldiers. Therefore the war that occurred between 1861-1865 was in no way different  that other later wars including world war two and the war in Viet Nam.  

But there were other significant differences. For one, the civil war was an internal war, in which the populace made war upon itself. The other major difference was that no formal agreement or rules of war had existed for conduct between hostile armies. The army had the Articles of War which provided for internal military issues, but no documents existed for the housing, treatment and conduct where Prisoners of war were concerned.   


Well, if he’s an angel, all right then… But he damn well must be a killer angel.

Sergeant ‘Buster’ Kilrain: Ref The Killer Angels (1974) is a historical novel by Michael Shaara

According to Theodore Karamanski,  Ref; a history professor at Loyola University in Chicago and the author of Civil War Chicago: Eyewitness to History.

Camp Douglas’s makeshift nature showed in its rickety wooden barracks and crude sewer system. Soon, though, the camp was taking on more and more prisoners and keeping them for longer and longer. But because neither side intended on taking large numbers of prisoners for extended periods of time, Camp Douglas — as well as most other Civil War prison camps — proved unprepared to handle them.

“That is when all the prison camps got a lot nastier,” Karamanski says.
The camp was meant for no more than 6,000 prisoners, and as its ranks grew to roughly 12,000 at its peak it became more dangerous than any battlefield. Overcrowding and poor sanitation spread diseases such as dysentery, smallpox, typhoid fever and tuberculosis. Illness became the camp’s leading cause of death, claiming roughly 4,500 Confederate soldiers, or 17 percent of the total number of men imprisoned at the camp during its nearly four years in operation, according to Karamanski’s estimate. In his book, Karamanski cites an 1862 report by the U.S. Sanitary Commission, wherein an agent admonished Camp Douglas for its “foul stinks,” “unventilated and crowded barracks,” and “soil reeking of with miasmic accretions” as “enough to drive a sanitarian to despair.” 

There were also very few rules of conduct for camp guards who were quick to puish prisoners for unfounded reasons. Or kill them for small infractions of the rules. One account tells us that a guard once shot a confederate prisoner because he urinated in the wrong place. Other accounts tell of the kill-line where prisoners would be shot down for coming to close to the camps perimeter. Other eye witness accounts tell of guards shooting indiscriminately into prisoners barracks resulting in the deaths and wounding of hundreds of prisoners. The conditions of Camp Douglas, would by modern standards be considered a death camp, and such offenses would be prosecuted as war crimes. No offenders would be tried for any crimes at Camp Douglas, and Lincoln's administration would be held up as heroic emancipators. Nothing could be further from the truth, war is war and human nature frequently sinks into dark places when humans are given the power of death over prisoners who have no one to turn too.

                                        A Chicago area Chapter of the Son's of Confederate Veterans
                                                    hold a memorial service at Oakwoods Cemetery
                                    Camp Douglas Memorial' Camp #516, SCV at Oakwoods Cemetery

On Sunday April 22nd, 2018, members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans held a ceremony to honor the soldiers who had died at Camp Douglas. The members are made up of historic reenactors and historic preservationists. The Reenactors were met by a group of approximately forty protestors. Even though both sides were peaceful and introspect. It was apparent by subsequent newspaper accounts that there was clearly some media bias, as local newspapers and TV outlets improperly labeled these SCV members as "Neo-Confederates" alluding to the members as being white supremacists. This was a seriously incorrect and divisive term. 

The following statement can be found on the "Son's of Confederate Veterans" Webpage;

                                               Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans
“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.

In the final analysis, civil war historians, members of the SCV and citizens of the southern U.S. kept the promise that Grant and Lee had made at Appomattox, to not disturb the other, AND to treat the defeated with respect and honor. The south never raised a hand or weapon in rebellion against the United States again. But now, the city governments where leftists have seized control have clearly violated the terms of surrender. In some countries, this blatant disrespect and disregard for military agreements could be considered an act of war. And in some peoples opinion, this is exactly what the disgruntled citizens of the U.S. are risking. The rekindling of the civil war is not within the scope of authority, or the concern of any local city government. It is the duty and responsibility of the federal government to execute war within, and outside of the borders of the United States. The state level governments and its subordinates have over stepped their authority and just as the confederacy was conquered by federal authority, these local government entities must be reined in.

"Not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside."

- Sergeant Shakes-Speare

Reference y/chicagos-forgotten-civil-war-prison-camp/92844206-a9bc-4f62-8786-d5afef093379

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jordan Peterson; Here comes the Cavalry!

It is only once in a lifetime, or in times of great need, that leaders or great intellects emerge. The leader or intellectual can come from any walk of life. They can be any gender, any race and come from any religion or have no religious background. They tend identify real social problems (not social issues) and they take on great responsibilities to correct what they view as social wrongs and injustices that face society at large.
Since before the turn of the 20th Century. Societies throughout the world stood witness to massive movement that has shifted the foundations of old thought and dated practices. This movement which began as "women's suffrage" was widespread and gained many adherents in Europe, the United States and Australia (just to name a few). The initial doctrine of women's suffrage was to secure women's voting rights.  And without question, this was a noble movement with good intent. No one can argue or diminish the need for equality in the matters of citizenship and politics. This was, and still is a crucial human right. The right to go to the voting booth to determine the fate of one's society, is not only a right, but a God given right.
There are indeed many talking points about the overall history of the suffrage movement. However, a history of feminism would occupy many chapters of many books. But like any movement, the feminist movement possess's its own organizational dynamics. And like any other organized movement. It was bound to change. Just like the Ku Klux Klan, which started out as an organization to protect southern homes. Including southern women, southern children and southern property. Who because they had been beaten down by the federal army and slash and burn military rule. Needed protection.  The suffrage movement evolved into what became the "feminism" or the feminist movement. And it is unfortunate to point out, that what was once a movement that supported the rights of women to vote, morphed into what the KKK later became. A movement of violent intent and violent movement with intent to control national and international thinking.
This new violent movement found many ready and available allies. Theses other adherents however have other agendas outside of feminism. Many of them are communist organizations, anarchists, leftists, Marxists, various radicalized media outlets and ANTIFA, who are self -proclaimed anti-fascists. However, the ANTIFA movements morphed into what became an armed fascist movement that strives to stifle free speech and commit crimes. These aforementioned persons and organizations have colluded together to bring the United States to a heightened sense of urgency and created a makeshift crisis for political gain. But as in any pre-war or waring state, they had to create a villain. Just like Adolf Hitler needed the Jews to lay blame on. The feminist movement and its allies needed a scapegoat to blame. And that segment of society on which they focused, are white males. In some cases, all males are included in this, but in gender politics, it is the white male population of the world who have assumed the role of the Jews of NAZI Germany.

Additional reading
To Kill A Mockingbird: All men are Tom Robinson now

Enter Jordan Peterson.

Professor Jordan Peterson gained notoriety when he stood against the Ontario Human Rights code at the University of Toronto. Peterson had challenged the Universities policy on gender pronouns.
Full BBC article
 "University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson had enough of what he saw as a campus culture where "social justice warrior, left-wing radical political activists" ran rampant." 

His audacity in the university situation gained immediate traction in a world searching for the true answers about what was really going on, what the agenda was and who was behind it. Peterson had recognized, identified and exposed the true agenda of the altered language that was being forced upon students, and upon Canadian society itself.Peterson had identified, isolated and articulated the cause of great injustice. An injustice which has been laid upon modern society. A great injustice which has been laid upon the doorstep of white males.
In an UK interview, Peterson broke down in tears as he spoke of what men (and young men) are go through and how men are being disenfranchised in modern society. Interview. Jordan Peterson has become the voice of reason for a modern society. His actions speak to men where they live. And he has gained a loyal following (Sergeant Shakes-spear included). In the last couple of weeks Peterson was interviewed by BBC. The female "presenter" (another new word?? For reporter??) had attempted to humiliate Peterson by very typical university student / novice level interview tactics. I think they had hoped to get Peterson to talk out of turn or to trap him into a stereotypical position. But Peterson was instrumental in turning the tables on the "presenter". And even more importantly, he did this using truth based on facts, and not emotion based on politics. For his followers, this was a shining moment in history. It was also a victory for freedom of speech and human rights. The interview not only rocketed Peterson to stardom and to a leadership of a new movement, it gave men all over the world hope.

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) who is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology,with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance. (-Ref wikipedi)