Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Nancy Pelosi; AKA Mumbles.. Vows to take over the world via congress.


In Tuesday's interview, Pelosi made the case for her leadership, arguing that Democrats need her at the table leading Congress and interacting with the White House.
"It's important that it not be five white guys at the table, no offense," Pelosi said. "I have no intention of walking away from that table."
- CNN News Story
In a shocking revelation, The distinguished  very senior 78 year old Nancy (Mumbles) Pelosi vowed to take over the world by regaining her lost magical democrat super powers. Pelosi who is well known for her spell binding verbal incantations and strange and uncontrolled facial expressions while speaking to the press, swore to retake the gavel of Speaker of the House and eventually move to the position of elite female world leader of the DNC New World Order, following in the foot steps of some of her personal hero's, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

The CNN story stated "We will win," the California Democrat said in an interview with The Boston Globe on the 2018 elections. "I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too."

The democratic party old guard (No pun intended) has been gasping the last breath of power sine the election of 2016, when it lost site of the fact that there were millions of people who live in the country besides themselves who may think differently than they do. Despite Madam Pelosi's intentions to regain power, there are millions of people with different intentions who may or may not vote for the old ways. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WMDs, Spray Paint and Foul Mouthed Women


Over the last week, the disorganized militia of the social justice movement, red factions, anarchists and foul mouthed female propagandists posing as comedians, mounted a full frontal assault on the people of the United States. The attack however faltered as the red factions attempted to place their feet upon the beaches of American common sense and freedom of speech.

The initial attack began at the first point of embarkation at the annual White House correspondents dinner, as an unknown female communist operative and propagandist, attempted to destroy the reputation of an American Patriot. The patriot was a front line soldier assigned to communications duty at the White House under the current President. The attack was repulsed when the disorganized red factions failed to properly assess their enemies strength, thus handing the victory over to the patriot organization(s) who are so well entrenched, that only minimal resistance was needed to stop the attack. However an assessment of the red factions damage, indicated substantial losses, many dead left on the battlefield and tarnished reputations to last a life time.

May first marked the beginning of the red factions traditional "May Day" terroristic celebrations. Activities such as smashing windows of local businesses owned by small business owners, burning trash cans, destroying public property and attacking defenseless small animals, women and children are a regular annual occurrence all over the world on this speeee-shallllll day. However, in the United States, the emasculated males and their over zealous female fellow feminist cadre who occupy the ranks of the red factions, do not seem to have enough intestinal fortitude for attacking living things or smashing the windows out of their Mom's favorite donut shop. So now they have taken to the destruction of inanimate objects, (with their weapon of choice... Spray paint), such as old statutes of dead soldiers, pictures of American Patriots, cartoon characters and anything they might be slightly offended by. The red factions militaristic temper tantrums have been on the rise in the U.S as the bad winter weather patterns have persisted, and temperature numbers on the North American Continent were somewhere around the same as the IQs of the members of the red factions, surely a cause of the much feared climate change monster, (No longer referred to as global warming, because that theory faltered after Al Gore was divorced by his ex-wife Tipper Gore, thus ending Mr. Gore's cash flow) which has struck terror deep in the hearts of the red faction who find fear and loathing in just about everything they come in contact with.

To add insult to injury, the red faction has now set it sights on the Cartoon Character "Apu" who is a long time and very beloved character from the Simpsons TV series. Apu's character represents everything that is American. And I'm sure that even if any members of the red factions, anarchists, maoists or marxist - leninists  patronized the fictional characters 7-11 store, he would surely sell them all the booze,  cigarettes, rolling papers, pizza and chips that they could handle. So once again the red factions have bitten the hand that feeds them.

-Sergeant Shakes- Speare