Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jordan Peterson; Here comes the Cavalry!

It is only once in a lifetime, or in times of great need, that leaders or great intellects emerge. The leader or intellectual can come from any walk of life. They can be any gender, any race and come from any religion or have no religious background. They tend identify real social problems (not social issues) and they take on great responsibilities to correct what they view as social wrongs and injustices that face society at large.
Since before the turn of the 20th Century. Societies throughout the world stood witness to massive movement that has shifted the foundations of old thought and dated practices. This movement which began as "women's suffrage" was widespread and gained many adherents in Europe, the United States and Australia (just to name a few). The initial doctrine of women's suffrage was to secure women's voting rights.  And without question, this was a noble movement with good intent. No one can argue or diminish the need for equality in the matters of citizenship and politics. This was, and still is a crucial human right. The right to go to the voting booth to determine the fate of one's society, is not only a right, but a God given right.
There are indeed many talking points about the overall history of the suffrage movement. However, a history of feminism would occupy many chapters of many books. But like any movement, the feminist movement possess's its own organizational dynamics. And like any other organized movement. It was bound to change. Just like the Ku Klux Klan, which started out as an organization to protect southern homes. Including southern women, southern children and southern property. Who because they had been beaten down by the federal army and slash and burn military rule. Needed protection.  The suffrage movement evolved into what became the "feminism" or the feminist movement. And it is unfortunate to point out, that what was once a movement that supported the rights of women to vote, morphed into what the KKK later became. A movement of violent intent and violent movement with intent to control national and international thinking.
This new violent movement found many ready and available allies. Theses other adherents however have other agendas outside of feminism. Many of them are communist organizations, anarchists, leftists, Marxists, various radicalized media outlets and ANTIFA, who are self -proclaimed anti-fascists. However, the ANTIFA movements morphed into what became an armed fascist movement that strives to stifle free speech and commit crimes. These aforementioned persons and organizations have colluded together to bring the United States to a heightened sense of urgency and created a makeshift crisis for political gain. But as in any pre-war or waring state, they had to create a villain. Just like Adolf Hitler needed the Jews to lay blame on. The feminist movement and its allies needed a scapegoat to blame. And that segment of society on which they focused, are white males. In some cases, all males are included in this, but in gender politics, it is the white male population of the world who have assumed the role of the Jews of NAZI Germany.

Additional reading
To Kill A Mockingbird: All men are Tom Robinson now

Enter Jordan Peterson.

Professor Jordan Peterson gained notoriety when he stood against the Ontario Human Rights code at the University of Toronto. Peterson had challenged the Universities policy on gender pronouns.
Full BBC article
 "University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson had enough of what he saw as a campus culture where "social justice warrior, left-wing radical political activists" ran rampant." 

His audacity in the university situation gained immediate traction in a world searching for the true answers about what was really going on, what the agenda was and who was behind it. Peterson had recognized, identified and exposed the true agenda of the altered language that was being forced upon students, and upon Canadian society itself.Peterson had identified, isolated and articulated the cause of great injustice. An injustice which has been laid upon modern society. A great injustice which has been laid upon the doorstep of white males.
In an UK interview, Peterson broke down in tears as he spoke of what men (and young men) are go through and how men are being disenfranchised in modern society. Interview. Jordan Peterson has become the voice of reason for a modern society. His actions speak to men where they live. And he has gained a loyal following (Sergeant Shakes-spear included). In the last couple of weeks Peterson was interviewed by BBC. The female "presenter" (another new word?? For reporter??) had attempted to humiliate Peterson by very typical university student / novice level interview tactics. I think they had hoped to get Peterson to talk out of turn or to trap him into a stereotypical position. But Peterson was instrumental in turning the tables on the "presenter". And even more importantly, he did this using truth based on facts, and not emotion based on politics. For his followers, this was a shining moment in history. It was also a victory for freedom of speech and human rights. The interview not only rocketed Peterson to stardom and to a leadership of a new movement, it gave men all over the world hope.

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) who is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology,with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance. (-Ref wikipedi)